Jennifer Baker

Jennifer Baker headshot


Jennifer is a friend of the nut-allergic community and a close personal friend of Mike's for over 15 years. When she first heard of Mike’s allergies to peanuts and tree nuts, she was shocked to learn how severe his allergic reaction could become and how aware he has to be of his surroundings on a daily basis.

After learning how to create a welcoming environment for her friend, she became passionate about promoting the importance of education on food allergens. The critical information she needed to learn felt scary and overwhelming at first, but with time it got easier. Now she wants to help others learn how to create welcoming environments too, whether they're parents of children enrolled in a nut free classroom, or parents of a newly diagnosed nut-allergic child.

Jennifer is also an artist, singer-songwriter, and author. She’s an advocate for integrative wellness and is a mom to two cats, one dog, two succulents, and one super special philodendron.